Publications 2016.
Author Title Source

Wang, L.-J., Wu, L., Hou, X.-Y., Zheng, B.-H., Li, H., Norra, S.

Environ Earth Sci 75, 1048; DOI 10.1007/s12665-016-5758-3 (2016)

Stensgaard, B.M., Kolb, J., Bagas, L., Kokfelt, T.F.

North Atlantic Craton Conference, NAC+ 2016, Programme & Abstracts, 38. (2016)

Steenfelt, A., Kolb, J., Thrane, K.

North Atlantic Craton Conference, NAC+ 2016, Programme & Abstracts, 63. (2016)

Steenfelt, A., Kolb, J, Thrane, K.

Ore Geology Reviews, 77, 194-245. (2016)

Shen, R., Schäfer, K., Schnelle-Kreis, J., Shao, L., Norra, S., Kramar, U., Michalke, B., Abbaszade, G., Streibel, T., Fricker, M., Chen, Y., Zimmermann, R., Emeis, S., Schmid, H. P.

Atmospheric Pollution Research 7, 235-248 (2016)

Schmidt, K., aus der Beek, T., Dai, X., ... Holbach, A., Norra, S., ...

Environ Sci Eur, DOI 10.1186/s12302-016-0092-7 (2016)

Rosa, D., Guarnieri, P., Hollis, J., Kolb, J., Partin, C., Petersen, J., Sørensen, E.V., Thomassen, B., Thomsen, L., Thrane, K.

Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland, Report 2016/12, Copenhagen, pp 98. (2016)

Rajpert, L., Kolvenbach, B.A., Ammann, E.M., Hockmann, K., Nachtegaal, M., Eiche, E., Schäffer, A., Corvini, P.F.X., Sklodowska, A., Lenz, M.

Environmental Science & Technology 50, 9124-9132 (2016)

Polat, A., Kokfelt, T., Burke, K.C., Kusky, T.M., Bradley, D.C., Dziggel, A., Kolb, J.

Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, 53, 1336-1371. (2016)

Petney, T., Lehn, H., Khuntikeo, N., Dolos, K., Norra, S., Holbach, A., Sithithaworn, P., Andrews, R.H., Pfäffle, M.

Water Solutions 1, 118-123 (2016)

Ortloff, F., Bohnau, J.,  Kramar, U., Graf, F., Kolb, Th.

Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 182, 550–561 (2016)

Nothstein, A., Eiche, E., Riemann, M., Nick, P., Winkel, L., Göttlicher, J., Steininger, R., Brendel, R., von Brasch, M., Konrad, G., Neumann, T.

PLoS ONE 11(4): e0152081; doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0152081 (2016)

Norra, S., Brenck, M., Burghardt, W., Emeis, S., Genhardt, O., Heller, C., Klingenfuss, C., Lehmann, B., Möller, D., Schwarz-Rodrian, M., Tschöpe, M., Wessolek, G., Wirsing, T.

In: Kowarik I, Bartz R, Brenck M (Hrsg.): Ökosystemleistungen in der Stadt. Naturkapital Deutschland – TEEB DE. Berlin, Leipzig, S. 86-97. (2016)

Majewsky, M., Bitter, H., Eiche, E., Horn, H.

Science of the Total Environment 568, 507–511 (2016)

Müller, S., Dziggel, A., Kolb, J.

North Atlantic Craton Conference, NAC+ 2016, Programme & Abstracts, 26. (2016)

Kudella, P., Loges, I., Mutschler, T., Eiche, E., Ruppert, J., Neumann, T.

Appl Water Sci 6, 241-257 (2016)

Kolb, J., Stensgaard, B.M., Kokfelt, T.F. (eds.)

Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland, Report 2016/38, Copenhagen, pp 157. (2016)

Kolb, J., Petrov, N.

Ore Geology Reviews, 78, 573-577. (2016)

Kolb, J., Keiding, J.K., Steenfelt, A., Secher, K., Keulen, N., Rosa,D., Stensgaard, B.M.

International Geological Congress, Abstracts, Vol. 35, Cape Town, South Africa, Aug. 27-Sept. 4, 2016. (2016)

Kolb, J., Keiding, J.K., Steenfelt, A., Secher, K., Keulen, N., Rosa, D., Stensgaard, B.M.

Ore Geology Reviews, 78, 493-555. (2016)

Kolb, J., Keiding, J.K., Rosa, D., Thrane, K.

In: Boyd, R., Bjerkgård, T., Nordahl, B., Schiellerup, H.: Mineral Resources in the Arctic. Geological Survey of Norway Special Publication, 162-189. (2016)

Kolb, J., Dziggel, A., Bagas, L., Fiorentini, M.L., Thébaud, N., Hagen, M.

North Atlantic Craton Conference, NAC+ 2016, Programme & Abstracts, 15. (2016)

Kolb, J., Dziggel, A., Bagas, L., Fiorentini, M.L., Thébaud, N.

International Geological Congress, Abstracts, Vol. 35, Cape Town, South Africa, Aug. 27-Sept. 4, 2016. (2016)

Kolb, J., Dziggel, A., Bagas, L.

Kolb, J., Dziggel, A., Bagas, L.

International Geological Congress, Abstracts, Vol. 35, Cape Town, South Africa, Aug. 27-Sept. 4, 2016. (2016)

Kolb, J.

In: Boyd, R., Bjerkgård, T., Nordahl, B., Schiellerup, H.: Mineral Resources in the Arctic: An Introduction. Geological Survey of Norway Special Publication, 36-40 (2016)

Hughes, J.W., Schlatter, D.M., Kolb, J.

North Atlantic Craton Conference, NAC+ 2016, Programme & Abstracts, 57. (2016)

Holbach, A., Norra, S., Haushahn, P., Moldaenke, C.

Water Solutions 1, 99-103 (2016)

Hazman, M., Hause, B., Eiche, E., Riemann, M., Nick, P.

Journal of Plant Physiology 202, 45-56 (2016)

Hanghøj, K., Christiansen, F.G., Stensgaard, B.M., Kolb, J.

International Geological Congress, Abstracts, Vol. 35, Cape Town, South Africa, Aug. 27-Sept. 4, 2016. (2016)

Hagen, M., Kolb, J.

North Atlantic Craton Conference, NAC+ 2016, Programme & Abstracts, 54. (2016)

Guo, H., Zhou, Y., Jia, Y., Tang, X., Li, X., Shen, M., Lu, H., Han, S., Wei, C., Norra, S., Zhang, F.

Environ. Sci. Technol. 50, 12650-12659 (2016)

Eiche, E., Hochschild, M., Haryono, E., Neumann, T.

Appl. Water Sci 6, 293-307, (2016)

Dziggel, A., Diener, J.F.A., Kolb, J., Kokfelt, T.F.

North Atlantic Craton Conference, NAC+ 2016, Programme & Abstracts, 17. (2016)

Chen, Y., Schleicher, N., Fricker, M., Cen, K., Liu, X., Kaminski, U., Yu, Y., Wu, X., Norra, S.

Environmental Pollution 212,  269-278, (2016)

Chen, Y., Schleicher, N., Cen, K., Liu, X., Yu, Y., Zibat, V., Dietze, V., Fricker, M., Kaminski, U., Chen, Y., Chai, F., Norra, S.

Chemosphere 155, 234-242, (2016)

Bagas, L., Kolb, J., Fiorentini, M.L., Thébaud, N., Owen, J., Rennick, S., Stensgaard, B.M.

Precambrian Research, 277, 68-86. (2016)