Iceland Excursion 2015

The 12-day excursion in August / September 2015 took the students and participants from the AGW to Iceland to deal with geothermal, structural and engineering-geological issues on site. The excursion was organized by I. Stober, A. Kontny and T. Kohl.

Geological focus was on the peninsula of Reykjanes, southern and northern Iceland as well as the inland plateau. Were visited i. a. a drilling rig (Bentec 350 drilling rig), geothermal fields (Krýsuvik geothermal field), geothermal power plants (Hellisheiði power plant), waterfalls, a lava cave and geysers. Hikes were made together in the Landmannalaugar area or at the Myrdals- and Eyafjellajökull. A refreshment for everyone was a fresh summer bath in the "Laugars".

Here again the whole program in an overview.