0 Agnes Kontny

apl. Prof. Dr. Agnes Kontny

  • Institut für Angewandte Geowissenschaften -
    Strukturgeologie & Tektonik

    KIT - Karlsruher Institut für Technologie,
    Campus Süd

    Adenauerring 20a
    76131 Karlsruhe

Prof. Dr. Agnes Kontny

Curriculum Vitae


Since 2017             Professor, Institute of Applied Geosciences, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology

2015 2016          Acting head Structural Geology, Institute of Applied Geosciences, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany


2007 – 2017          Associate Professor, Institute of Applied Geosciences, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany

2003 – 2007          Associate Professor, Geological-Paleontological Institute, Ruprecht-Karls-University Heidelberg, Germany


2003                        Habilitation (Venia legendi) in Mineralogy and Geology, Ruprecht-Karls-University Heidelberg

2000 – 2003          Assistant Professor, Geological-Paleontological Institute, Ruprecht-Karls-University Heidelberg


1996 – 2000          Research Scientist, Geological-Paleontological Institute, Ruprecht-Karls-University Heidelberg, Germany

1994                        PhD in Mineralogy, RWTH Aachen, Germany


1993 – 1995          Research Scientist, Institute of Geosciences and Lithospheric Research, Justus-Liebig University Gießen,

                                 Germany (at KTB in Windischeschenbach)

1990– 1992           PhD studies, Institute of Mineralogy and Economic Geology, RWTH Aachen, Germany


1989                        Diploma in Mineralogy, RWTH Aachen, Germany

1982 – 1989          Study of Mineralogy at RWTH Aachen Germany



Other Proofs of Qualification


Reviewer for scientific journals and national and international funding agencies


Since 2021              Associate Editor of Journal of Geophysical Research - Solid Earth

2011 - 2020             Associate Editor of Studia Geophysica et Geodaetica

1996                         Paul-Ramdohr Award of German Mineralogical Society (DMG), Germany

1994                         Borchers Award of RWTH Aachen for PhD with distinction, Germany

1989                         Springorum Award of RWTH Aachen for diploma with distinction, Germany



Research Grants



2023-2026           DFG project: Emplacement conditions of pyroclastic deposits inferred from magnetic properties  

                             of the Eger maar-diatreme (ICDP-EGER Bohrung S4) and Eifel volcanoes (KO1514/20-1)


2020-2023            DFG project: Impact structures: Effect of post-shock thermal conditions on mineral magnetism (KO1514/17-1)


2017-2020               Co-applicant together with Prof. T. Neumann, TU Berlin, and others: Retardation and mobilization of As

                              at redox fronts under advective flow conditions – a concerted multidisciplinary approach (NE687/8-1)


2017-2020               DFG project together with Prof. Frank Schilling and Dr. Mario Walter: Magnetic fatigue of magnetite: effect of

                              cyclic loading on the magnetic and microstructural behavior at elevated temperatures (KO1514/13-1)

2013-2016               DFG project within priority program „Planetary Magnetism“: Mineral magnetism of shocked ferrimagentic

                               minerals (KO1514/8-1)


2011-2016               Co-applicant together with Prof. F. Schilling, KIT, within the BMBF program Rekonstruktion des

                              Neutronenleitersystems 7A und Neuaufbau des erweiterten Straindiffraktometers Epsilon-MDS am

                              Impulsreaktor IBR-2M (VIK Dubna)

2010-2013               Co-applicant together with Prof. R.O. Greiling, KIT, and Dr. R.B. Trumbull, GFZ, within DFG-project

                              GR682/12-2 Structures and mechanisms of dyke emplacement at a volcanic rifted margin – AMS, microfabric

                              analyses and geochronology of mafic dyke swarms from NW Namibia


2008-2011               DFG project within priority program“ICDP”: Rock magnetic properties and their anisotropy from the

                              Outokumpu assemblage in the Outokumpu deep drilling, Finland (KO1514/7-1,2)

2008-2012               DFG project within priority program“ICDP”: Rock magnetic properties and their anisotropy from host rock

                              and impact lithologies of drillings at the Chesapeake Bay impact structure (KO1514/6-1, -2)


2007-2009               DFG project together with Prof. R.O.Greiling: Magnetofabric and textural analysis from highly anisotropic

                              magnetite bearing shear zones in metamorphic nappes of the Scandinavian Caledonides  (KO1514/5-1)

2005-2009               DFG project within priority program „ICDP“: Hot-spot related crustal magnetization and magnetic

                              petrology from scientific drillings (KO1514/3-1,2,3)


2005-2006               DFG project within priority program „ICDP“: Magnetic mineralogy and rock magnetic properties of impact

                               lithologies of the Bosumtwi crater drilling project, Ghana (KO1514/2-1)

2004-2006               Mitantragstellerin gemeinsam mit Prof. D. Lattard, Experimentelle Mineralogie, Heidelberg, im DFG-Projekt

                              LA1164/5 Experimentelle Modellierung magneto-mineralogischer Eigenschaften von Fe-Ti-Oxiden aus

                              Basalten der HSDP-2 Bohrung


2000-2004               Co-applicant within graduate school 273 of DFG Einwirkung fluider Phasen auf Locker und Festgesteine mit  

                              Thema: Veränderung gesteinsmagnetischer Eigenschaften im Grund- und Deckgebirge des Oberrheingrabens

                              durch hydrothermale Aktivität und Verwitterung

                              Förderung aus Forschungspool der Universität Heidelberg: Gebänderte Eisenerzvorkommen im archaischen

                              granulitfaziellen Grundgebirge der Uweinat-Region, SW-Ägypten

2000-2004               DFG project within priority program „ICDP/KTB“: Magneto-mineralogische Charakterisierung von Laven des Hawaii Scientific Drilling Project, USA (KO1514/1-1,2,3,4)        

Publication overview


Research interest

My research is focused on different fields of rock and mineral magnetism, e.g. shock-induced changes of magnetic properties, their relation to microstructures and magnetic fatigue effects and  magnetic properties of volcanic rocks. Furthermore, I am studying fabrics of crystalline and sedimentary rocks using magnetic and microstructural tools and are involved in projects related to the Fe-mineralogy and their significance for redox conditions (environmental magnetism) and ore forming processes.

Peer-reviewed publications