
Welcome to the Institute of Applied Geosciences (AGW) at KIT, founded in 1825. Our innovations in teaching and research strive for a sustainable use of the subsurface on GeoEnergy, Groundwater, RawMaterials and Storage. The institute consists of eight chairs and has a collegial board of directors, represented by an executive director.

From left to right: Prof. Dr. Philipp Blum, Prof. Dr. Nico Goldscheider, Prof. Dr. Christoph Hilgers, Prof. Dr. Thomas Kohl, Prof. Dr. Jochen Kolb, Prof. Dr. Frank SchillingJun.-Prof. Dr. Nevena TomaševićProf. Dr. Armin Zeh

Our chairs address following teaching- and research topics:

General Geology, Jun.-Prof. Dr. Nevena Tomašević Engineering GeologyProf. Dr. Philipp Blum
Geochemistry & Economics GeologyProf. Dr. Jochen Kolb Mineralogy & PetrologyProf. Dr. Armin Zeh
Geothermal Energy & Reservoir-TechnologyProf. Dr. Thomas Kohl Structural Geology & TectonicsProf. Dr. Christoph Hilgers
HydrogeologyProf. Dr. Nico Goldscheider Technical PetrophysicsProf. Dr. Frank Schilling


Ankündigung Vorträge Dr. Ben Rostron
Vorträge von Dr. Ben Roston

- Lithium in brines (Duperow aquifer) in southeast Saskatchewan: a modern-day gold rush
- Geology and hydrogeology at AQUISTORE: Canada's first CO2 storage project associated with a commercial-scale coal-fired power plant
- Groundwater and native orchids: Is there a link (and why might anyone care)?

More Information
Prof. Dr. Christoph Hilgers wurde

zum 1. Vorsitzenden unserer Berufsständigen Vertretung gewählt. Als sein Stellvertreter wurde unser Lagerstättenforscher Prof. Dr. Jochen Kolb gewählt (gleichzeitig zuständig im Vorstand für Hochschule und Forschungseinrichtungen)!

Lithium aus dem Oberrheingraben - Prof. Kolb @ ServusTV

Prof. Dr. Jochen Kolb spricht über die Lithiumgewinnung im Oberrheingraben bei ServusTV.

To the report
Artikel BNN
Winfried Kretschmann and Thekla Walker on tour of energy transition construction sites in Bruchsal and Philippsburg

Professor Jochen Kolb explains the pilot plant for lithium extraction on the site of the geothermal power plant in Bruchsal to Minister President Winfried Kretschmann and Environment Minister Thekla Walker.

Climate change: Heat underground can be recycled

Accumulated heat underground holds great potential for heat supply according to study.

KIT press release
Alik Ismail-Zadeh Honorary Member of the International Science Council

The international Science Council (ISC) honors the mathematical geophysicist Dr. Alik Ismail-Zadeh with a Fellowship. Dr. Alik Ismail-Zadeh is currently conducting research at the Institute of Applied Geosciences of KIT on the understanding of earthquakes, the dynamics of volcanic lava, their hazards and risks.


Obituary of Prof. Dr. Dr.-Ing. Dr. Kurt Czurda

Former Professor of Applied Geology at the University of Karlsruhe, Prof. Dr. Dr.-Ing. Dr. Kurt Czurda passed away in mid-February 2023. To obituary.

Wrangell program promotes KIT geoscientist

Kathrin Menberg is researching the sustainable use of geoenergy - Comprehensive support on the way to a professorship. To the article.

KIT press release
Where will our drinking water come from in the future?

Prof. Nico Goldscheider can be seen in a report on the P.M. Wissen programme on Servus TV. Here he gives insights into our research in Kleinwalsertal in Austria, one of the test regions of our KARMA project. The World Karstaquifer Map (WOKAM) can also be seen. To the whole episode.

To the report
KIT is again the best university in Geosciences in Germany

Applied Geosciences at KIT was again ranked as #1 in Germany by U.S.News in 2023, now 3rd year in row, and is listed 52 worldwide.


Article in US News