Postponed start of summer semester due to corona

Due to the outbreak of the corona virus, the start of the semester is postponed. This website is only updated irregularly. Therefore please follow KIT's websites for further information:

The KIT FAQ on Handling the Coronavirus

The Recommendations of the KIT Medical Service

The Federal public health Robert Koch Institute 

The global coronavirus map of John Hopkins University

10.3.2020 New Corona Virus: Special Regulations Relating to Withdrawals from Controls of Success and the Necessary Extensions of Deadlines

a outline from our Vice-President for Higher Education and Academic Affairs' message. Please refer to his original email for full details and time frame:

"In view of the special situation resulting from the new Corona virus (SARS-CoV-2), students in the current examination phase are enabled to withdraw from all controls of success at short written notice, i.e. until directly before a control of success, without having to indicate any reasons. Such deregistration can be made by electronic mail to the responsible examiner. To prevent too high workloads of practitioners, no medical certificate is required. Please note:
1. Use your KIT email address for deregistration in order to enable clear and reliable allocation.
2. Indicate your student ID number as well as the name(s) and number(s) of the control(s) of success from which you would like to withdraw.
3. Your short-term deregistration has to be processed manually in the Campus Management System and, hence, will be made with a certain delay due to the high number of cases to be expected.
4. If possible, you can deregister from the control of success on your own in the Campus Management System. In this case, do not send the deregistration by email.
If you are sick or not able to participate in an examination as a result of a quarantine or other consequences, but need a prompt alternate date for important reasons, contact the responsible Examination Committee.
As regards the deadline for passing the orientation examination, the following exceptional rule shall apply: Students, who do not participate in an orientation examination foreseen in the studies plan during the period from March 13, 2020 to May 12, 2020 will be granted an extension of the deadline by one semester upon request to the Examination Committee responsible for this examination. The same shall apply when the maximum studies duration or the deadline of a reexamination expires during this period.
Information on the Corona virus is continuously provided by KIT on its homepage. There, you will also find answers to frequently asked questions relating to the new Corona virus, e.g. potential symptoms of an infection and recommendations on what to do in case of symptoms.
Again, we would like you to note that we have established a hotline for general questions at +49 721 608 82222 that can be reached on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays from 10 to 12 hrs and on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 13.30 to 15 hrs. More information relating to the Corona virus can be found on the website of the Crisis Unit ("